♥Friday, February 29, 2008
TAG REPLIES:CID;oh...of course i know that you are taller,or why would you say im a shortie leh?okokok...is because of genes lah!
may;okokok...i just want to end(: can?thats what you recommend de.so pls stop.you and i.okokok...but im not a gangster.
may;no matter wad,no need to think de lah...is just comments wad...
may;oi!i you want stop or dun want?
WANTING;how lah?when im online you not?so how entertain you?
michelle;ok you are relinked take care BESTIE(:
♥Thursday, February 28, 2008
TAG REPLIES:linh;ok...nvm...(:
may;ok lor...then who's the other toot?and also pls mind your words ok?
may;oh...really?but this was wad you said:" if not bcos u r my leader n i give u face ..i would hav said things more nasty .."so wads your meaning behind it?
may;okokok...i WILL stop now...and pls also let the others know that we ARE stopping ok?or else the misunderstanding WILL sure get WORSE de...
may;okokok...we two ARE victims ok?everyone is spamming about us[of course me de more lah]...
may;eh!wads do you mean by this type of person?
CID;yes...we are really very tired le...but pls stop everything so that everyone wont be tired anymore...):and pls stop everything ... really.then everyone will be all out of the matter...
♥Wednesday, February 27, 2008
TAG REPLIES:May;ok...i will tell her not to spam ok?sry[for my fren]
CID;oh...so you mean you very tall lah?ours like this is called AVERAGE HEIGHT ok?and somemore may is taller than me hor!im the one who is shorter lah!
FBI;oh yeah...so funny[hahaha]
May;oh...so the leader you meant is linh!hey!she got the rights to choose who she wants to be with...and you dun say things like that to her hor!wad she says is right.did you treat her as a classmate?even if she is your leader now,but since you dun like her to be your leader,then treat her as a classmate lah!if you really dun like then tell teacher to change leader lah!or you do even better than the 1st test lah!than you can be with the ones with the same/or about the same marks de ppl lah!ok?so i promise that you will not see her spamming on you le!CAN ?
linh;can you dun scold her already?and stop scolding her?i dunwant more ppl to scold them coz of me...ok?can linh?thank you very much.
May;EH!HELLO!linh is NOT a toot ok?
May;EH!HELLO!the meaning of gossip is rumours/tell tales.and are you fond of gossiping?and also,the meaning of scream is to give a piercing cry,esp. in pain of fear.are you in pain?or feared?!
i hate b!tches;EH!HELLO!mind your words ok?
linh;im sorry!sooooooooo sorry!let you be so fustrated!DDD: sorry,and pls dun interfere into anymore.but if you really want to,then just say lor.thats what you and may said about ms liem:" ppl hav the mouth to sae watever they wan "
[to may]is not i nvr tell her to stop hor,if she wants to say then let she be lah!thats wad you said : ppl hav the mouth to sae watever they wan and i cant stop you too...DDD:
♥Monday, February 25, 2008
TAG REPLIES:May;okokok...
anna;okokok...yeahyeahyeah...its my wrong ok??
LIITIING x);hellos! liting meimei :DDDok now i go tag you...:DDD
Farhan;ok you are relinked:DDD just now you played scrabble very good lor...we thought you would win...DDD:
linh;yeah...very serious...i think the whole of 3s1 will know in no time...D:
JiaMin;can...i no need to know the answer de lah...just asking...hope you dun mind(:
someone;ok...i have changed,but thats my feelings at that time...i could not help it...although now the consequences are like this...dun tell me you have not gone through this type of situations...even if its not you as the victim or the one who was to be blamed,but im sure you have heard of these things before de...
WANTINGyou are so lol...
May;okokok...i will stop everything ok?
May;eh...HELLO!!!can you first find out the real situation then scold can?dun anyhow scold lah...dunno then dun say lah...is he add me de lah...dun believe ask him lah!you ask him why must add me first lah...also not my problem...
linhyeah...very complicated...aiyah dun have to care de...

♥Friday, February 22, 2008
TAG REPLIES:FBI;ok...im sorry ok?fishy,im sorry[anyway i dunno wad *****ing is btw D:]
milkymoo;arrest me?i did not do anything wrong/break the laws wad...
May;wad od you mean by i choose to be close with wei li?ok but i chose to help you leh...so why must i get this type of retribution leh?is not i nvr help or dunwant help hor!wad did i wrote on sat?on my blog?i didnt wrote anything bad about you wad...ok i wrote this "May;so lols:D dun care wad ppl said then can liao mah...[are you trying to tell everyone that you are that person?]" then you started tag about all those stuffs... so i replied in a very unhappy manner "May;if thats' not you then just say you aren't lah...hello!i also nvr say i want you to stop making frens with 3s1 de ppl.is your problem wad...not mine?!you want who to be your fren then go ahead lah...i wont stop you." and now im already steering very clear with you le hor...okokok so i will stop replying you!so pls pls pls,stop replying anymore,if you really want to have a distance between you and me.[but can i ask a qn?as a classmate?just now after lifeskilll i saw jiamin walking out of the classroom with tears in her eyes...wad happen ah?sry if im too KPO but i really want to know,coz you two are frens ,ok?if you dunwant to reply,then nvm.i wont force you le.]
- mdm ang not here
- mdm lim not here
so we have 3 periods free[for the chinese/not taking MT students]
♥Thursday, February 21, 2008
TAG REPLIES:may;okokok you like to say wad then say...oh yeah...thats' why im very disappointed with you...on last fri you remember wad did we do?we went together to print notes.i know its not a big deal...but your attitude towards me had changed overnight.i dunno wad to say...but why yesterday was like that,but now...?WHY???
LIITIING x);hahas:DDDyeah...too many 'TAGS'[if to be more nice]
May;okokok you want to talk to me or not,is your problem...oh yeah...the 'have no choice but to talk to [me]' is that days before you actually dun want talk to me de right?but because you dunno hwo to do maths,you approached me right?and i helped you out right?now leh...?ok lets dun talk about now...im really very disappointed with you already...
fishy;who are you?and do i need to tell you wads that?
♥Wednesday, February 20, 2008
TAG REPLIES:SERENE;who are you?stop using my name ok?im serene and you aren't!and i know wads ****ing ok?
jeffrey;are you talking about me?
linh;hahas:DDD so good lor stayed in class to homework.can ask Mdm Ang!!!:DDD
ZOOM! = NOT KAHMIN;yeah...im here...[so lols]
today went home with filianie
she stayed in toa payoh...
so funny lor
eng pp 1-24/25 :D 96%
eng pp 2-16/20 :D 80%
e.maths-23.5/25 :D 94%
a.maths-13/20 D: 65%
chi-1st one is 17/30 D: 56.7%
phy-18/25 :D 76%
hist-11/15 :D 73.3%
ss-13/18 :D 72.2%
[updated on 20/2/08]
♥Tuesday, February 19, 2008
TAG REPLIES:FBI;lols...you say de mah...say that i like DADDY not mummy...is my problem wad...
wanshing;here?aiyah...spams spams and spams lor...still can have wad else leh?
today stayed back for maths remedial
is to do corrections
but my file is at home...
MDM ANG is sooooooooo good...
she said that tomorrow i must pass up to her...
sure hor....
i very guai de mah...
tell you all something funny
read this conversation:
*3s2 cheers*
mr saktun:the next class always like this ah?
jeffrey:ya...their teachers very good...
mr saktun:*smiles*
mr saktun:you mean i very bad lah?
mr saktun:*laughs too*
this is soooooooo funnny!!!!!!
♥Monday, February 18, 2008
TAG REPLIES:May;if thats' not you then just say you aren't lah...hello!i also nvr say i want you to stop making frens with 3s1 de ppl.is your problem wad...not mine?!you want who to be your fren then go ahead lah...i wont stop you.
WENDY;eh,did i say i need help?no right?just be a fren cannot ah?
MElissa;wad do you mean?hahas:DDDwhen she had no choice but to talk to me lor...
anna;no lah...i didnt say she is ... wad...just that my posts there write MAY=BESTIE doesnt mean that she is the ... right?i can have other frens who are besties de mah...why is it ONCE a good fren?im now her fren also wad...and also her classmate.i think i be her class mate better than a fren.
linh;oh ya...i forgot to tell you the problem!aiyah...nvm tomorrow i tell you,but i think i feel weird leh...
DDD;who are you???
FBI;are you talking about me?i cannot like my daddy more than my mummy meh???you very funny hor...???
may;wad do you mean by that?i also nvr tag/chat/msn/sms you...how you know wad im thinking at that time...
♥Friday, February 15, 2008
TAG REPLIES:anna=nahhh;who is nahhh?
MELISSA;there are spams everywhere.
Hazeerah;happy valentine's day too!:DDD
May;so lols:D dun care wad ppl said then can liao mah...[are you trying to tell everyone that you are that person?]

♥Thursday, February 14, 2008
TAG REPLY:...;erms who are you?hahas:D just dun care the spammings lah...they will go away...[edited] ok i know who you le...:DDD ok i wont tell anyone lah...you be my bestie ok?:DDD
today soooooooooooo funny
before chem test
linh and susanty go meet teacher
then 3pm le
i was afraid that we would be late
then they come out le
we ran.........................
hoping mdm tan wont be faster then us
then .......
dunno how say the feelings
♥Monday, February 11, 2008
on sat small aunt came our house
then we go ah po's house
then on sun i no place to go
stayed at home
today maths lesson go through homework
then do corrections
P.E. played
FRISBEE !!!SS we thought got tests take back
but deshun he need retake
RICH lesson we chit chatted
linh:D kaijing:D
chem we go through wb
eng we take back tests
see the 6th feb post
there got write:DDD
♥Saturday, February 9, 2008
TAG REPLIES:May May;hahas:DDD love you too...happy chinese new year!!!
Hazeerah;happy chinese new year! ok i go tag you:D
wanshing;happy chinese new year!(:
REAL KAHMIN;happy chinese new year!:D
on wed go ah ma's house
then go aunt's house
got help her make fried wantons and soup dumplings:DDD
then come back ah ma's house
played with wenny:D robin:D and larry:D
played mahjong,blackjack,poker,hearts,
ah zaaphahas:D
yesterday is my father's side relatives come our house
then got
yu shenghahas:D
very nice the food
coz is my father make one mah:DDD
actually today is my mother's side relatives coming my house
but ...
- 2nd uncle need prepare food for his selling of porridge tomorrow
- 2nd aunt need go fren's house
- big aunt go her fren's house[actually not affected]
- small aunt's boys all go out[lawrence,larry,loy]
- small aunt working
♥Wednesday, February 6, 2008
TAG REPLIES:linh;protect?when?D:
WANTING;sure anot?and when did i flirt?who did i flirt with?
linh;hey!cannot!you must make one...:[
milkymoo;"heh heh heh..."not funny ok?
ZOOM! = NOT KAHMIN;the someone is me lah...no need say also know de.
Basically says;ok lor.then i shut up.so pls stop tagging me.
eng pp 1-24/25 :D 96%
eng pp 2-16/20 :D 80%
e.maths-23.5/25 :D 94%
a.maths-13/20 D: 65%
phy-18/25 :D 76%
hist-11/15 :D 73.3%
[updated on 11/2/08]
:DDD bestie;sweetie;lovely!!!
♥Monday, February 4, 2008
TAG REPLIES:Hazeerah;hey! i didnt D: i got 13/20 for a.maths test 1 !:[
Basically says;wad thing?linh?she wants to stop everything but you dont.so?
linh;lovely,diam is shut up!D:
CARAmel !;HELLOS:DDDhahas:D you too wad...thanks anyway.take care:D
kaijing;ok you are relinked.
your ancestor;yeah yeah yeah...i know,no need to ask also know liao lah.
benny frm 2a2;pls stop that. yucks!
anonymous;pls lah...is other ppl's song right?you have no rights to say that.and i like that song!
Basically says;when did i want to fight?
LITINNGGG;oh...hellos nothing lah...just spammersD:
WANTINGyou think yours very big arh?pervertic!
SPAMMER;stop that!